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Vabilo na poletno šolo za študente v Brescii, Italija

Poletna šola: Universal design and sustainable tourism

Cidneo Hill and its Castle in Brescia – 2nd Attack

Organizator: University of Brescia – Department of Civil, Architectural, Environmental Engineering and Mathematics
Lokacija: Brescia, Italy
Od 17. do 26. julija 2018

Poletna šola je namenjena magisterskim študentom gradbeništva, arhitekture ali študentom, ki so zaključili študij gradbeništva ali arhitekture (magistrsko nalogo) v letu 2018. Prijava na poletno šolo je mogoča do 15. 6. 2018, čemur bo sledil izbor študentov. Za udeležbo ni potrebno plačilo, potrebno pa je plačati spanje (okvirno 200 evrov) in hrano (okvirno 200 evrov).

Obvestilo o izboru na poletno šolo bo poslano do 30. junija 2018.

Več informacij o poletni šoli in o programu ter aktivnostih na spletni strani:

Nekaj okvirnih informacij spodaj v angleščini:

On the activities and goals of the Summer school:
After the 2017 Editon (1st Attack), this year University of Brescia propose the 2nd Attack!

The International Summer School (ISS) for Advanced Studies in the form of workshop wil be focused once again on the theme of accessibility to cultural heritage and its enhancement with an interdisciplinary approach in the perspective of Universal Design. The Summer School refers to skills that at DICATAM have been developed over the last 20 years and have seen the birth of the Brixia Accessibility Lab.The project is also connected to the new network Italian Accessibility Labs which involves, in addition to the University of Brescia, the Polytechnic of Turin, the University Ca ‘Foscari of Venice, the University of Trieste, the University of Florence, the University Federico II of Naples and the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria.

This synergy is related to an educational offer where the concept of accessibility, read in holistic form, as well as being a enhancement tool for people, it is also a collective resource that can elevate the social capital of a community. More accessible environments and services, in fact, while expanding individual freedoms, social opportunities and knowledge, encourage each person to participate in community life and to contribute to the growth of the society. In particular accessibility to cultural heritage is first and foremost the ability to enjoy it, to relate, to make it an experience area.

The accessibility of cultural heritage therefore it is not only a technical or regulatory aspect, but cuts across many different knowledge and sensitivity.The ISS has the ambition to be a place of education and discussion, a pretext to induce experts from different disciplines to confront on this issue, an invitation to reflect seriously on the meaning of Heritage.

The ISS is able to meet the specific needs expressed by the working world and academia, providing a current specialization course aligned with the best practices of the best universities in designing.

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