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V okviru 126. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) izr. prof. dr. Vlado Stankovski, UL FGG predavanje z naslovom:

Emerging Technologies and Platforms for Smart and Safe Construction

The internet of things, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and blockchain offer new opportunities for smart applications in the construction domain. Benefits of using distributed computing technologies include improvements of industrial processes, products and services, greater dependability and lower operational costs. In this work, we present an overview of emerging smart construction applications in areas such as construction monitoring, construction site management, safety at work, early disaster warning, and resources and assets management. We also present a design of an integrated distributed platform called DECENTER ( that may underpin emerging smart & safe construction applications.

Dr. Vlado Stankovski is a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering and associate professor of computer science. He has over 15 years experience with distributed, grid and cloud computing technologies and their applications in civil engineering. Dr Stankovski has worked on software integration projects in the course of the past 15+ years. He also worked on several EU projects including DataMiningGrid (2004-2006), InteliGrid (2004-2007), mOSAIC (2011-2013), ENTICE (2015-2018), SWITCH (2015-2018) and the current DECENTER (2018-2021) EU – Korean Horizon 2020 project. He is involved in the recently formed Consortium Supercomputing Centre of Slovenia and the Software Engineering Cluster of EU projects.

Predstavitev bo v torek, 18. 12. 2018, ob 16.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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