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V okviru 235. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) prof. dr. František Wald , CVUT predavanje z naslovom:

Steel cladding systems for stabilization of steel buildings in fire

When sandwich panels or trapezoidal sheets are used as cladding structures, they contribute to the structural behavior of the building frame. In particular, sandwich panels can noticeably improve the stability of members as well as the global stability of the building. In the design calculations for stability of compressed members, the properties of the connections between sandwich panels and the supporting steel members play a key role. Although guidelines exist for the resistance and stiffness of sandwich panel connections at ambient temperature, no such rules are available for the fire limit state. To bridge this gap, this study presents an investigation on the behavior of sandwich panel connections at elevated temperatures.

František Wald is Professor of Steel and Composite Structures at the Czech Technical
University of Prague and the Head of the Department for steel and timber structures. His main research interests are steel structures, aluminium structures and fire design.

Predstavitev bo v sredo, 15. 6. 2022, ob 10.15 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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