V okviru 252. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) dr. Tamara Brleković, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek, University of Osijek, Croatia predavanje z naslovom:
Groundwater modeling and contaminant transport-challenges in 21st century
Groundwater flow models, as well as contaminant transport models, are powerfull tool for analysing groundwater flow regimes, predictinig future states and magnitude of subsoil contamination. These models also can be used for assesing impact of climate changes on groundwater supplies which is of great interest even on national levels. However, quantity of needed input data for numerical models is enormous and most of them are not included in the national measurement program. This lecture will provide short insight into this and other similar issues regarding 3D numerical groundwater flow and contaminant transport models.
Predstavitev bo v sredo, 16. 11. 2022, ob 16.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).
Vljudno vabljeni.