V okviru 254. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) dr. Wolfgang Richter , TU Graz, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management predavanje z naslovom:
Pumped storage hydropower as backbone for balance and storage
The energy system transformation towards renewable production from Wind, Water and Solar demands for high balance and storage demands to replace the fossil energy. Increased electrification of the energy system will significantly cut the energy demand and is the key for prosperity and sovereignty. Pumped storage hydropower plants can also be build underground and additionally store thermal energy in its water body to supply district heating systems.
Wolfgang Richter is a hydraulic researcher at TU Graz working on large surge tank design for hydropower plants and pumped storage schemes. His main field of research is physical and numerical modelling of surge tanks. He made his diploma degree at the University of Innsbruck.
Predstavitev bo v torek, 13. 12. 2022, ob 10.15 v H – 10 (FGG).
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