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V okviru 256. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) dr. Stefano Grimaz, UNESCO Chair on Intersectoral Safety for Disaster risk reduction and Resilience, SPRINT-Lab, Univerza v Vidmu, Italija predavanje z naslovom:

Acting for disaster flood risk reduction: problems and challenges

With reference to flood risk management, the lecture – organized as an interactive talk with students – will explore central questions related to disaster risk reduction strategies and activities in a more and more complex and uncertain environment. Aspects such as complexity, decision making in an uncertain environment, the link between data and knowledge and specific problems in the different phases of the disaster management cycle, will be investigated. Considerations on those various aspects will be formulated jointly with the students, adopting a governance perspective.

Professor Stefano Grimaz is Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair at University of Udine, Italy.

Predstavitev bo v četrtek, 12. 1. 2023, ob 16.15 v H-40, Hajdrihova 28, 1000 Ljubljana.

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