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Predavanje organizira Unesco katedra za zmanjševanje tveganj ob vodnih ujmah (UNESCO WRDRR) v okviru svojega delovanja.

V okviru 264. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) Prof. Dr. Glenn Tootle, University of Alabama predavanje z naslovom:

Paleo Streamflow-Precipitation Reconstructions: Po River Basin (Italy) & Sava River Basin (Slovenia)

Dendro-chronologic (tree-ring) records allow observed hydrologic datasets (e.g., streamflow) to be extended (reconstructed) back in time. This provides greater knowledge when evaluating drought and pluvial (wet) periods in both historic and projected (given climate change) records. The Po River Basin – PRB (Italy) is experiencing extreme drought resulting in challenges in agricultural production and energy supply (hydropower). We will discuss recent projects with the University of Trento in developing tree-ring based reconstructions of both PRB streamflow and precipitation in an attempt to quantify the current drought. Working with the University of Ljubljana, we are currently extending this research into the Sava River Basin (Slovenia).

Dr. Glenn Tootle is a Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at The University of Alabama (UA). His research interests include hydroclimate and paleohydrology. Prof. Dr. Glenn Tootle has been funded twice as Lead Principal Investigator on awards with the National Science Foundation (NSF), Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) program. He has current awards with the NSF Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems (INFEWS) program and the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program. Prof. Dr. Glenn Tootle completed a Fulbright Research-Teaching Scholar award to the University of Trento in 2021.

Predstavitev bo v ponedeljek, 5. 6. 2023, ob 10.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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