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V okviru 153. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) dr. Carlos Martinez Perez, Assistant Professor, University of Valencia predavanje z naslovom:


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Vertebrates constitute one of the most diversified and successful groups of animals. Debate over the origin and evolution of vertebrate bodyplan has occupied biologists and palaeontologists alike for centuries but discussions around this topic have been hindered because living vertebrates (i.e., cyclostomes, chondrychtyans and osteichyans) are unrepresentative of the ancestral lineages in which the bodyplan was established. The study of the fossil record is therefore crucial to shed light on early vertebrate evolution by revealing the timing and tempo of character acquisition and testing hypothesis on the underlying driving forces. The main objective of the lecture is to show the last achievements about the lifestyles and paleobiology of so

Dr. Martinez-Perez’s research is focused on paleobiological aspects of conodonts, trying to shed light on the function and biological affinities of this group of putative primitive vertebrates. He is trained in numerous computational techniques for tomographic and functional analysis. The development of his postdoc allowed him to combine the applications of these pioneering techniques such as synchrotron tomography, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), digital occlusal analysis (OFA), and Computed Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to the study of the conodont skeleton.

Predstavitev bo v sredo, 26. 6. 2019, ob 12.00 v P208 (NTF).

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