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V okviru 154. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) prof.dr. Zhiliang Ma, Univerza Tsinghua, Peking, Kitajska predavanje z naslovom:

BIM application to building construction in China

During the past two decades, unprecedented construction has been carried out in China, involving many mega-projects of high-speed railway, express way, large-scale public facilities, skyscrapers etc. This lecture summarized the application of BIM technology in the construction industry in China. It starts by introducing the Chinese building construction industry through a number of big data. The BIM application in China will then be overviewed and several cases for the application of BIM in recent megaprojects will be described, including the tallest skyscrapers in Shanghai and Beijing, and the new international airport of Beijing, which have been finished by the end of June and will be open by October 1. Finally, the research and developme

Zhiliang Ma is Doctor of Engineering, Professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He obtained Bachelor Degree in 1986 at Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University, China and his Doctor Degree in 1992 at Department of Civil Engineering of Nagoya University, Japan. He became a full Professor in 2003 at Tsinghua University. He serves as the vice chair of Computer Application Branch, China Civil Engineering Society, and the vice chair of Specialty Committee on Building Information Modeling, China Graphics Society. He also serves as the associate editor of the renowned international journal ‘Automation in Construction’.

Predstavitev bo v ponedeljek, 29. 7. 2019, ob 11.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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