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V okviru 211. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) dr. Tina Marolt Čebašek, Liverpool John Moores University, Velika Britanija predavanje z naslovom:

Building on the success of the Liverpool Telescope (LT), construction and design of the New Robotic Telescope (NRT) observatory

The New Robotic Telescope (NRT) will supersede the original Liverpool Telescope (LT), which is a fully robotic telescope owned and operated by the Astrophysics Research Institute of Liverpool John Moors University (ARI/LJMU). The diameter of primary mirror of LT with 2 m will be increased to 4 m. This is to be fully robotic with autonomous operation, designed for fast follow-up by retrieving data within 30 seconds, with the overall goal to retrieve more light. It will be operational in 2025. The total cost of the project is estimated at £25 million.
The focus of this lecture will be on construction and design of superstructure – enclosure and substructure – foundation including the pier of the existing LT with applications to the NRT.

Dr Tina Marolt Cebasek is a Senior Lecturer at School of Civil Engineering and Built environment, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). She is programme manager for MSc and BSc in Civil Engineering LJMU taught at International College of Business & Technology (ICBT) in Sri Lanka. She is also a module leader of Advanced Geotecnics and Design module and active researcher with focus on FEA in geotechnics, tunnelling engineering, mining engineering and railway track geo-structures; laboratory testing of soils, rocks and railway geo-structures. She received her PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering in the field of Mining Engineering and Geotechnology at University of Ljubljana.

Predstavitev bo v sredo, 25. 8. 2021, ob 11.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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