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V okviru 255. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) dr. Wolfgang Richter , TU Graz, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management predavanje z naslovom:

Surge tank and high pressure tunnel design for pumped-storage hydropower

Surge tanks are the key structure to balance the massive hydraulic inertia of water conduits to allow quick maneuvers of start-ups and shut-downs as well as load changes from turbine mode to pump mode. Pressure tunnels allow to conduct high quantities of water under high pressure through a rock mass, the demands are a very long operation time.
Surge tanks are very individual constructions adapted to the hydraulic and structural demands of high-head hydropower plants and pumped storage hydropower.

Wolfgang Richter is a hydraulic researcher at TU Graz working on large surge tank design for hydropower plants and pumped storage schemes. His main field of research is physical and numerical modelling of surge tanks. He made his diploma degree at the University of Innsbruck.

Predstavitev bo v torek, 13. 12. 2022, ob 12.15 v H – 10 (FGG).

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