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V okviru 296. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) prof. dr. Stanisław Stupkiewicz, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences predavanje z naslovom:

Diffuse interfaces and propagating instabilities in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys

Propagating instabilities are observed in polycrystalline shape memory alloys (SMAs), in particular, in pseudoelastic NiTi alloys. These effects result from the non-monotonic (up-down-up) intrinsic material response, which leads to strain localization. The deformation pattern resembles then Lüders bands in plasticity, and the overall load-displacement response exhibits a characteristic plateau. To model the related effects, we have developed a gradient-enhanced thermomechanical model of pseudoelasticity featuring tension-compression asymmetry, anisotropy of the transformation strain, and state-dependent hardening/softening response. The model is able to describe several experimentally observed effects.

Stanisław Stupkiewicz is a full professor at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT), Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland and head of the Department of Mechanics of Materials. He graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology (1989) and received his PhD (1996) and habilitation (2006) at IPPT. Since 2011 he is a full professor. His research interests include micromechanics of interfaces, size effects, multiscale modelling of shape memory alloys, phase-field modelling of microstructure evolution, contact mechanics, plasticity, crystal plasticity, and computational mechanics. Since 2020 he is a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is an Editor of Mechanics of Materials.

Predstavitev bo v torek, 21. 5. 2024, ob 10.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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