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V okviru 132. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) Prof. Alfred Uchman, Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University predavanje z naslovom:

Deep-sea trace fossils – insight into hidden palaeoenvioronment

Ichnofossils are useful facies indicators in rocks and sediments of the Phanerozoic. The lecture will present trace fossil assemblages commonly encountered in deeper marine environments, such as the flysch-type sediments.

Prof. Dr. Hab. Alfred Uchman graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Since more than three decades he works on traces of life activity of invertebrate organisms in the rock record, i.e. on ichnology. He conducted his research in most countries of Europe (including Slovenia) and on other continents in rocks of different ages and facies, however, deep sea ichnology remains his basic topic.

Predstavitev bo v četrtek, 28. 3. 2019, ob 17.00 v P208 (NTF).

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