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V okviru 259. doktorskega seminarja Grajeno okolje bo imel(-a) Laura Žiković , Univerza na Reki predavanje z naslovom:

Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Micropolar Continuum

Micropolar or Cosserats’ theory of elasticity was developed as one of the possible generalisations of the classical (Cauchy’s) theory of elasticity, which is particularly suitable for the description of the behaviour of materials with a specific internal low-scale structure and which can capture some experimentally observed phenomena, such as the size-effect. In micropolar theory, in addition to the standard displacement field, there also exists an independent microrotation field, and it is necessary to know the values of six material parameters to completely describe a linear elastic, isotropic and centrosymmetric micropolar material. Cosserats’ theory is well known, but reliable experimental methods for determining additional m

Laura Žiković is a third-year PhD student at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka. The accepted title of her dissertation is “Finite elements for linear analysis of the micropolar continuum and the relationship between the linked interpolation and interpolations on Lie groups in the linear form” under the supervision of Prof. dr. Gordan Jelenić. Her research interests focus on numerical modelling of the Cosserat continuum and experimental mechanics in general.

Predstavitev bo v torek, 7. 3. 2023, ob 14.00 v Svečani dvorani (FGG).

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